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Cara Merubah File Apk Menjadi Tpk Average ratng: 9,5/10 6569 reviews
  1. Cara Merubah File Apk Ke Tpk

Install Mini Launcher First Copy and move the files to privapp. How to Convert. Download Cara merubah file rar jadi apk Mod Latest version Cara merubah file rar. [Paid] – Android Applications Cara mengubah game apk menjadi xap tpk. Untuk cara menggunakan aplikasinya berikut langkah-langkah untuk merubah aplikasi android yang terinstall menjadi file apk didalam android: Silakan unduh dan install aplikasi ES Explorer dari Google Play.

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I have an aplication in .APK for Android but how I can convert .APK into a .XAP for Windows Mobile or do I have to develop the application again?

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Cara Merubah File Apk Ke Tpk

Andres Fernando Zapata MarinAndres Fernando Zapata Marin

closed as not a real question by John3136, Inder Kumar Rathore, Ricardo Alvaro Lohmann, Anup Cowkur, deefourDec 18 '12 at 5:38

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

3 Answers

How to convert an orange to a watermelon? You have to re-develop it.

Consider using PhoneGap-like framework to support multiple mobile phone platforms.


You'd have to redevelop it because Android is Java and XAP is a different language all together Highly compressed movies.


How you convert apk into xap, both are different framework , windows phone support windows os and android phone support android os, so you can't convert, better you redevelop.


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