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- ; Made by Recca
- #NoEnv; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- SendModeInput; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir%A_ScriptDir%; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- {
- Run*RunAs'%A_ScriptFullPath%'; Requires v1.0.92.01+
- }
- Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
- IniRead, Start, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, Start
- IniRead, HealthPot, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, HealthPot
- IniRead, ManaPot, AutoP Setting.ini,Hotkey, ManaPot
- IniRead, MsgrNah, AutoP Setting.ini, WarningMsg, Value
- Hotkey,%Stop%, Stop
- Gui,Add,Edit, xp+110 yp+2 w70 h20 vHPCoor +Center
- Gui,Add,Text, xp+23 yp+2 vHPp w20,
- Gui,Add,Button, gPickSP x10 y30, Pick SP coordinate
- Gui,Add,Listview, w20 h20 xp+70 vSPColor
- Gui,Add,Checkbox, xp-17 yp+23 Checked w59 h50 vMsgrNah, Warn`ning`nBox
- Gui,Add,Checkbox, xp-17 yp+23 w59 h50 vMsgrNah, Warn`ning`nBox
- Gui,Add,Text, x10 y60 cRed, HP Potion
- Gui,Add,Hotkey, xp+80 yp w100 +Center Limit190 vHealthButton,%HealthPot%
- Gui,Add,Text, x10 y85 cBlue, SP Potion
- Gui,Add,Hotkey, xp+80 yp w100 +Center Limit190 vManaButton,%ManaPot%
- Gui,Add, Groupbox, x10 y110 w210 h65 cBlue, Hotkeys ( check 'AutoP Setting.ini')
- Gui,Add,Text, xp+120 yp, STOP Hotkey
- Gui,Add,Hotkey,+Center xp-130 yp+20 w100 h20 vStart Disabled,%Start%
- Gui,Add,Hotkey,+Center xp+109 yp w100 h20 vStop Disabled ,%Stop%
- Gui,Add,Button, x10 y185 w100 h25 gSave, Save data
- Gui,Add, Link, xp+60 yp,<a href='http://ragindex.blogspot.com'>http://ragindex.blogspot.com</a>
- Return
- GuiClose:
- IniWrite,%MsgrNah%, AutoP Setting.ini, WarningMsg, Value
- return
- Save:
- IfErrorlevel
- Gui,submit, nohide
- IniWrite,%SPCoor%,%SaveFile%.ini, Coordinate, SP
- IniWrite,%HealthButton%,%SaveFile%.ini,Hotkey, HP
- IniWrite,%SP%,%SaveFile%.ini,Color, SP
- FileSelectFile, LoadFile,,%A_ScriptDir%,,*.ini
- return
- GuiControl,, HPCoor,%output%
- pointBetween := temp_1-39
- GuiControl,, HPp,%perc%`%
- IniRead, output,%LoadFile%, Coordinate, SP
- StringSplit, temp_, output, `,
- perc :=Round(pointBetween/(130/100),0)
- GuiControl,, HealthButton,%output%
- GuiControl,, ManaButton,%output%
- IniRead, output,%LoadFile%,Color, HP
- HP := output
- IniRead, output,%LoadFile%,Color, SP
- SP := output
- Gui,submit, nohide
- {
- MsgBox,49,, After this message box disappear`nthe next location you click will be the coordinate this script moniter`nWhenever the coordinate's color change`, potion will be use`n`nUse (Alt+Tab) to switch window and `nI RECOMMEND you to pick coordinate when SP is 100`% FULL
- return
- KeyWaitLButton, D
- PixelGetColor, SP, x, y, RGB
- if(SP = 0xFFFFFF or SP = 0xB5B5B5 or SP = 0x5A6BAD)
- MsgBox,48, Hmmm..., Did you miss the HP/SP bar? try again..
- }
- ToolTip, MARKED
- if SP = 0x000000
- {
- PixelGetColor, SP, x, y, RGB
- Continue
- Break
- GuiControl,, SPCoor,%x%,%y%
- pointBetween := x-39
- ToolTip,%perc%`%
- GuiControl,, SPp,%perc%`%
- Gui,submit, nohide
- {
- MsgBox,49,, After this message box disappear`nthe next location you click will be the coordinate this script moniter`nWhenever the coordinate's color change`, potion will be use`n`nUse (Alt+Tab) to switch window and `nI RECOMMEND you to pick coordinate when HP is 100`% FULL
- return
- KeyWaitLButton, D
- PixelGetColor, HP, x, y, RGB
- if(HP = 0xFFFFFF or HP = 0xB5B5B5 or HP = 0x5A6BAD)
- MsgBox,48, Hmmm..., Did you miss the HP/SP bar? try again..
- }
- ToolTip, MARKED
- if HP = 0x000000
- {
- PixelGetColor, HP, x, y, RGB
- Continue
- Break
- GuiControl,, HPCoor,%x%,%y%
- pointBetween := x-39
- ToolTip,%perc%`%
- GuiControl,, HPp,%perc%`%
- Gui,submit, nohide
- return
- StringSplit, coor1_, HPCoor, `,
- SetTimer, TimerStart,100
- SetTimer, RemoveToolTip,500
- IfWinActive, Auto Potion
- ToolTip, STOPPED
- SetTimer, RemoveToolTip,500
- if HP !=
- PixelGetColor, HP1, coor1_1, coor1_2, RGB
- {
- Sleep20
- }
- {
- if(SP != SP1)
- ControlSend,,{%ManaButton%},%Title%
- }
- Return
- Stop:
- return
- SetTimer, TimerStart, off
- mode :=0
- ToolTip
- return
Hi again, I'm back with another original scripts for you all.
I had seen many other AHK scripts that tried to do this but here is my version.
This was tested successfully on Window 8, in a server without Game Guard or third party protection so if you can't use it. Your server has blocked ahk.
What makes this different from other script ?
- All of my scripts are unzip and run, NO NEED to edit any RO files or extra steps
How does this work ?
- This script set a timer to keep check of the pixel that you pick, and when the color of the pixel change, a potion will be use
First look:
How to ?
Set HP :
- Click 'Pick HP coordinate'
- Read the warning box ( this can be turn off )
- Click 'Okay', or simply press 'Enter' then move your mouse to the HP bar
on to location that you want this script to check then click. - Set potion hotkey, this button will be press every time the coordinate's color change
- Done
Ragnarok Auto Potion
To set SP, do the same as above. Leave one blank to monitor one bar or set both to monitor both HP/SP bars.***After setting Potion Hotkey and the percentage press the default Start Hotkey : Control + Q to start the program, remember to turn it off with Control + W when you die or it will spam the hotkey non stop. Or when you enter through portal, it will make the screen flash -> use few potions.
I recommend you guys to use F1-F9 for potion hotkey, so you can also chat when being attack and using auto-pot.
Ragnarok Auto Potion Free Download
- Save - Save your coordinates, colors, hotkey for future use
- Load - Load your saves
- Auto potion - Mediafire ~ Download Here
- Source - Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/vYzgEMXN