It appears there’s a couple interesting issues going on with the ps1 undub of valkyrie profile that makes it freeze and/or glitch out during certain boss fights.
i’ve disabled the download for the time being, I’ll patch it hopefully someday when i find the time to dig into wtf is going on with it. And for those wondering, there’s no such a thing as a small bug in ps1 VP, dealing with the files and rebuilding the disk image alone is a gignatic pain in the ass, and that’s not even touching the compressed internals…
• 10 MB ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM). Cisco asr 1001 license lookup. • Environmental chassis management. • Up to 20 Gbps sustained forwarding data traffic through the chassis.
– ムギ
PS3 Games Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen « 4PLAYERs Games Direct Download IXtreme JTAG RGH DVD ISO XBLA ARCADES DLC []. Feb 17, 2008 The Strategy-RPG based on Utawarerumono has been translated into English. You can get the translation patch for the game here, although you will still need to get the actual game to use it (several buylinks are provided on that page.).
First game of the serie
Hi there, while working i randomly found this looking for mask of deception ost : As i'm currently playing Mask of Truth i was trying to not get spoiled even with the OST, but when i heared that my only reaction was : 'Damn, i MUST redo the first game', which i had partly done back in 2005 or something.
Utawarerumono Ps2 Torrent
So here i am with some question :
1 What where the difference between the PC and the PS2 version, except the censorship ?
2 Is it worth to wait the remake ? (i'll probably will buy it the seconds it comes out anyway, but can we expect it in less than 2 year ?)
Utawarerumono Ps2
3 Where can i find the first game on PC ? The only thing i can still find are the english patch or physical copy for a crazy price.
Utawarerumono Ps2 Game
Thank you a lot for your answers and sorry for my pretty bad english.